Tom Vincent internet director / UK
Interactive design that manipulates the senses
10 / 10 (Fri)14 : 00 - 15 : 40
C4 (Room 141-142)

Born London, 1967. Internet Director. First visited Japan while a student in 1989, and moved to Tokyo permanently in 1996. Became designer / editor of Dai Nippon Printing's internet art magazine project 'NMP'. Was involved in several art-based projects including British internet art project 'container-ship', and the Made in Tokyo website which was selected for the 2000 Venice Biennale. In 1998 became a member of Sensorium. Currently he is vice president / director at web design company IMG SRC, Inc., where he has directed many websites / internet installation projects including Earth from Above (Fuji Film), Sony (2001 Golden award of Montreux, Gold Medal) and Arthur C. Clarke Imagination and Realization (2002 One Show Interactive Bronze Award). From January 2003 he became non-executive director of design label Living World.

net works, 98 - 03